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Where to find catfish. Common river catfish: description Where catfish live in the river

Catfish (lat. Silurus) is the largest predatory fish that lives in freshwater lakes and rivers. It belongs to the class of ray-finned fish, the order of catfishes, and the catfish family.

Catfish fish - description, characteristics and photographs.

The catfish fish has a long, flattened and rather powerful body, which is devoid of scales and covered with a layer of mucus, which ensures the gliding and maneuverability of the fish in the water space. The wide head of a catfish usually has a flattened shape. There are small, slightly blind eyes of the catfish on it. The wide mouth of the fish is “armed” with small, but abundant teeth. Almost all catfish have one feature: long whiskers are located on the jaws of this predatory fish. The catfish's whiskers are the most important tactile organ with which fish find food. Depending on the variety, of which scientists number about 500, the appearance of the catfish, its color and size can vary significantly.

How long does a catfish live?

The lifespan of a catfish that lives in natural and environmentally acceptable conditions reaches 30, 50, or even 60 years. There is data from ichthyologists who have recorded individuals who have reached the age of 75 years.

What does catfish eat?

Catfish in nature prefers to lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, lying in pits with a large accumulation of silty sediments. It is unpretentious in its diet: the catfish happily eats plant remains, small fish, larvae, shells, crayfish, or birds that accidentally fall into a pond, and other living creatures. Catfish also feed on carrion. Often he "hunts" prey near old and forgotten fishing nets. A large hungry catfish can even eat or that accidentally entered the water.

Where does catfish live?

The catfish fish is quite widespread in the waters of Europe and Asia, while living in rivers flowing into the seas, it often swims into their salty waters. Unfortunately, in such conditions, only one species of catfish can exist for a long time - the channel catfish; other individuals from this family are not adapted to such a “salty” living.

Types of catfish - photos and names.

There are many interesting and unusual representatives in the catfish family.

Common catfish (European)(lat. Silurus glanis) can reach a length of up to 5 meters and weigh up to 400 kg. Lives in rivers and lakes of Europe and Russia. Cases of attacks on people have been described.

American catfish (dwarf catfish)(lat. Ameiurus nebulosus) lives in the waters of South America. The length of the American catfish does not exceed a meter, weight – 7-10 kg. The mouth of this species is surprisingly designed: the teeth are arranged in several rows, and each row differs in size - from smallest to largest. This feature allows the American catfish to capture prey as if in a steel vice.

(lat. Malapterurus electricus) lives in the reservoirs of Africa and rivers of Arab countries. Its ability to generate powerful charges of electricity helps it successfully hunt even large prey. There is information according to which an electric catfish killed animals that accidentally wandered into a pond to drink with a discharge of current.

Among catfish, numerous aquarium varieties are widely known: tarakatum, platidoras, glass catfish, cuckoo catfish, changeling catfish and others. And their variety of colors is simply amazing:

Glass Indian catfish

Common catfish, also known as European catfish or simply catfish (Silurus glanis) - the largest freshwater fish in our reservoirs. Under natural conditions, it grows up to 3 m and reaches 180 kg of weight. In past centuries, when the animals were larger and their numbers were much higher, the captures of five meter-long specimens weighing 300 - 400 kg were recorded.

The common catfish is a representative of predatory fish of the catfish family. He leads a sedentary, isolated way of existence and does not leave his habitable place throughout his life, which under favorable conditions can last about 50 years. Even in search of food, which is mostly obtained in the dark, the catfish does not swim far from its site.

Only forced circumstances, such as a depleted food supply, shallowing of a reservoir or turbidity of the water in it, which catfish cannot tolerate and die, force them to leave their beds - deep-sea holes and snags. Sexually mature individuals temporarily leave their native penates during floods, migrating to the upper reaches of the river in search of suitable places for spawning, after which they return.

In small rivers and lakes, where the spring melting of ice is limited to a small flood, from which the water is not as cloudy as in a flood, and does not force the catfish to move, they spawn in the same reservoir and very often in their home.

Catfish, like all fish of the catfish family, are a territorial species that does not tolerate proximity to their relatives. Only in the cold season, infringing on their proud character, do they gather in groups and sleep in wintering pits. Young catfish are more sociable, prefer to stick together until they grow up and feel strong in themselves.

If you do not look closely, you might think that this fish is missing the abdominal region, especially when it is hungry.
In many ways, this deception is facilitated by the shape of the body of the catfish, most of which is laterally compressed, and the long anal fin, which immediately passes into the tail plumage.
The wide forehead of the predator is separated by disproportionately small eyes, set so high that it seems if it were not for him, they could merge together. A pair of long whitish mustaches adorns the upper lip. Four more small processes of yellowish color are located on the giant's chin.

Whiskers are not only an organ of touch, with the help of which the catfish orients itself and looks for food in a dark environment, but also serves as a bait for hunting small fish.

Hiding in an ambush or burrowing into the silt, the river giant puts his mustache on display, imitating a live worm, thus luring fish.
When the object of the hunt, who has looked for a fleshy snag, is nearby, our hero grabs it with his huge mouth with a sharp forward movement, and the strong jaws that close after this, densely studded with small and sharp bristle teeth, will not leave the victim a single chance of salvation.

Catfish coloring depends on the age of the fish, time of year and water composition. The coloring of young catfish is brighter and more contrasting, although in general it is rather gloomy in this species of fish. Black back, dark green sides, camouflage light olive spots, and a gray or dirty yellow belly are considered the typical coloring of adults. In lake catfish, darker tones predominate; in river catfish, the coloring is much lighter.

Geography of distribution and habitats of catfish

The common catfish is a heat-loving representative of the aquatic fauna, therefore in Russia it lives only in regions with a temperate and subtropical climate - in rivers and lakes of the warm sea basins: the Azov, Black, Caspian andAralsky.

In the reservoirs of the Baltic Sea It is found much less frequently and does not grow to normal sizes.
Another species close to the European catfish lives in the waterways of Siberia - the Amur catfish (Silurus asotus), which differs from its fellow in certain features, smaller growth and color.

The largest number of common catfish was noted in the lower reaches and deltas of rivers flowing in southern latitudes - the Volga, Dnieper, Urals, Don and Kuban. The catfish tolerates the brackishness of the water well; the poet also lives in estuaries and slightly saline marine areas.

Not only for safety reasons and their large size, which does not allow catfish to feel normal in shallow water, but also because of the fear of light, these nocturnal predators settle in the deepest and shady places of reservoirs.
For their homes, catfish choose holes equipped with shelter - flooded logs or sunken trees and snags. In shallow rivers, they can hide in beaver pits, under floating banks, in depressions in the bottom under steep banks and bridge piles.

Prefers silty or sandy soil, especially if it is shaded by floating plants: richia, duckweed and water fern. Until sunset, the catfish hides in its shelter, lying down and digesting the food obtained the day before, and only at dusk it goes hunting.

What does catfish eat and how does it get food?

It is not surprising that the diet of adult catfish consists mainly of animal food, most of which is live fish, both small and large Being a representative of ambush predators, the catfish guards its prey, hiding in a shelter or camouflaged at the bottom, which is facilitated by its camouflage - dismembering body coloring.

The method of attack can be different and depends on the distance to the target, its size and quantity. The predator pulls a school of small fish along with the water into its wide-open mouth when it is nearby.
It attacks larger single specimens with a sharp throw, which is often accompanied by a stunning blow from its powerful tail. Having missed, he can attack again, but never pursues the target of the attack.

Very large, fat catfish lose their hunting skills, so they are content with small fish, crayfish, mollusks and frogs, which are obtained in an easier way. The mustachioed giants feel a special passion for the latter, whetting their appetite even from their “singing.”

The most prey method of catching them is based on this weakness of catfish for frogs, which consists in luring large individuals with a sound similar to croaking, which fishermen make with a special device - kwok, clapping it in the water.
A hungry catfish shows interest in everything moving on the surface of the water and if it considers the target feasible, it attacks it. Often, waterfowl, rodents, and even small mammals that find themselves in a body of water intentionally or accidentally fall into the huge mouth of a mustachioed predator.
Our hero does not disdain smelly food, and his very sensitive sense of smell helps him quickly find carrion. Knowing this, fishermen often use pieces of rotten fish or meat as hook bait.

Methods of catching and baiting catfish

The most effective and targeted way of catching catfish is considered to be fishing with a quox using a regular donkey, adapted for an onboard fishing rod and equipped with a fishing reel.

It is not known exactly for what reasons, but it is the sounds of the quok that lure the predator out of cover and attract it to the boat. Rising to the surface of the reservoir - to the source of sound, the fish meets This is a bait prepared for it, which is lowered 2-3 meters above the bottom. To do this, the bait is first placed on the ground, releasing the line to the aisle, then raised, winding the required footage onto the reel.

Of course, you can catch catfish with the same gear without quoting, that is, while it is feeding, but finding its feeding places and the paths leading to them is much more difficult than stumbling upon a fish sleeping in a shelter and attracting it with a quok.

In other cases, the capture of catfish is random. A float rod and spinning rod catch only small catfish weighing 2.5-6 kg, which are not afraid to go out in search of food on grassy shallows and riffles, especially in the spring, when the feeling of hunger overcomes fear in juveniles who have been hungry over the winter.

Of all modern freshwater fish, the first place in size undoubtedly belongs to the catfish. In this regard, only one beluga surpasses it, but, as you know, it is an anadromous fish that enters rivers only for spawning. Catching catfish is very attractive for both professional fishermen and amateurs. Catfish meat is fatty and tender. A variety of fish dishes and canned food are prepared from it, and they are also used in salted and dried form.


catfish- Latin name - silurus glanis. Fish of the catfish family. The very first impression that a catfish leaves is extreme ugliness: a completely naked body covered with mucus, a blunt head, a huge mouth from which mustaches extend like two fleshy worms, and on the chin there are 4 more mustache-worms, but smaller ones. The catfish's tail is not much like a fish's, it is very long (it makes up more than half of the body), flat, flattened laterally. If you add that this monster can be very large - up to 5 meters in length, and sometimes weighs more than 300 kg, then you get a truly memorable sight. Such giants, however, occur at 80-100 years of age.

Catfish is a giant fish. This is the largest predator living in fresh water. Belongs to the catfish family. The common catfish is common in Russian reservoirs. It sometimes reaches a length of 3 m and a weight of 300 kg. Scientists believe that such giants are about 80–100 years old, but catfish weighing 10–20 kg are more common. Their body is covered with a thick layer of mucus, their skin is dark with a greenish tint.

Distribution and habitats of catfish

Distribution of the common catfish

This heat-loving fish reaches its greatest abundance in the basins of the Caspian, Aral, Azov and Black Seas, mainly in the pre-estuary spaces and deltas of the Volga and Don rivers. This fish is not found in the Arctic Ocean basin.

There are never many catfish in any river, so catching such a trophy is a real success. And to increase your chances, you need to know where catfish live and where the fishing spot is. When catching such fish, it is not enough to simply throw bait; first you need to clarify the habitat of the catfish.

Catfish cannot tolerate sunlight; they love to hide in deep ravines where the rays do not penetrate. If there is a fallen tree nearby, then this place is also worth paying attention to. In places where the current is strong, the chance of catching a catfish decreases. These fish love areas with vegetation, and if there are sharp shores, then perhaps they hid in the caves there. Catfish also love muddy bottoms.

Areas with lots of weeds, fallen trees and if the area is quiet can be a haven for catfish of all sizes. True, when fishing, this causes some inconvenience for the fisherman, in the form of difficult maneuverability. You can’t reach deep places from the shore, so a boat is one of the most important accessories when catching such fish. But you should not approach the intended place point-blank on a boat, this will scare away the fish. It is advisable to be at a distance and the farther the better. Catfish live almost everywhere, be it a river, lake or reservoir.

Actual habitats of catfish

  • Usually the places behind the bridge supports are very deep, where the largest representatives of this species live. True, getting to such places is quite difficult.
  • Deep holes with algae are one of the favorite habitats of catfish.
  • Flooded buildings are very popular with such fish because of their protection from currents and extraneous noise.
  • Small isolated islands of vegetation, catfish use them to hide from the sun.
  • Formed pits at the drainage of two rivers.

There are still a lot of favorite places for catfish, here are just the main ones. Therefore, it is advisable to first thoroughly examine the area, and only then come in full equipment.

It is important to note that as water temperatures drop, catfish migrate into deep holes in the lower reaches of large rivers. By this time, the autumn feeding is almost over, and, having chosen a wintering pit, catfish of the same age and weight, with the onset of cold weather, stop feeding and fall into a stupor, in which they remain until the beginning of spring.

Catfish lifestyle

Catfish lifestyle

catfish- fresh water predator. The range of its diet is quite wide - from mollusks and frogs to large pikes. It eats ducks, geese and other waterfowl, as well as nutria, muskrats and even dogs that swim across a body of water. Catfish do not disdain carrion, and if they get hungry, they even attack completely inedible things, for example, rags.

For all their greed, catfish are lazy and clumsy, especially large ones. They are not always able to profit from fast, large fish. Therefore, they often resort to various tricks. For example, they open their mouths and lie motionless, when a small fish approaches this mouth, the catfish draws water into its mouth along with it. He can also hide himself in the vegetation, and only show his whiskers, which look like worms and attract fish.

But this does not mean at all that the catfish avoids open attack. Once near the prey, the catfish hits it hard with its tail, stuns it, and then eats it.

Catfish spawning

Catfish spawning It happens in a rather peculiar way. Before this, they gather in flocks and make a lot of noise. Huge catfish, chasing each other, inspire fear in all inhabitants of the reservoir. During these games, females choose a mate. The pair drives away all other males. Splashing, mating couples wrap themselves around each other like snakes.

Before spawning, the female catfish digs a nest in the form of a hole with her pectoral fins. She lays eggs at the bottom of this hole, which the male catfish immediately waters with milk - sperm. The number of eggs reaches 130 thousand.

The development of fertilized eggs occurs under the vigilant protection of both parents. We must pay tribute to the fact that, unlike the vast majority of fish, catfish remain marital fidelity until they fully fulfill their parental duty - they release small catfish into independent life.

In late autumn, catfish go to winter. To do this, they choose deep holes and bury their heads in the mud. They occur in fairly numerous groups. Sometimes other large fish lie on them, sometimes in several tiers.

Catching catfish

Catching catfish using kwok

There are many different types catfishing. Among them, the most famous are catching catfish with a quok, a spinning rod, a donka, a float rod and a number of others. Nowadays, catching catfish with a quok has become less successful and is rarely used, although there are remote corners where they still catch with a quok, for example, in some tributaries and channels of the Pripyat. The most common fishing is with bottom rods. On lakes they sometimes catch fish in circles. Increasingly, catfish are becoming prey for spinners, and catfish up to 3 kg are caught on float rods when fishing with a crawler, a spindle and a bunch of worms, as well as with crayfish and bivalve shells. Fishing for catfish begins before spawning - when the flood level drops and the water becomes clearer. At this time they are caught all day. In summer, catfish bites occur more often after sunset - all night until sunrise. Catfish can be caught during the day, but the larger the catfish, the more careful it is and hunts only in the dark. Particularly large ones are found on clear, moonlit nights and during thunderstorms, when they rise to the surface. At the beginning of summer (before spawning) they are caught at a depth of 1–2 m in bays, creeks, and on shallows adjacent to the riverbed. In summer, after spawning, near steep banks, at depths near the exits of holes, at the end of pools, near the shores under overhanging bushes and trees.

A bottom fishing rod for catching catfish should be particularly durable. Forests 0.7–1.0 mm in diameter. One or two leashes 0.4 m long and 0.6–0.8 mm in diameter, but soft leashes made of woven nylon or silk are preferable. Hard leashes alarm catfish. Hooks with a long shank No. 10–16, according to the bait, tees are often used. The sinker is heavy, sliding, weighing up to 100 g. The leashes are connected to the line with carabiners. After casting, the line is tied to a firmly driven stake, tree trunk or bush. As bait in the spring, a bunch of large worms, crawlers, as well as live bait, leucorrhoea, gudgeon and loach, are used. Catfish take better bait with large live bait, weighing 200–300 g. Particularly long casts will not bring success, the catfish goes near the coast, do not forget about this. In summer, the range of baits expands; in addition to those already mentioned, they use a spindle, a bunch of bivalve shells, a mole cricket, locusts, large seals - rhinoceros beetle larvae, and a black leech. Particularly popular are various birds whose plumage is scorched in the fire. Indeed, the smell of burnt cornea irresistibly attracts catfish, so fishermen sometimes resort to cunning. A small piece of burnt felt, hoof, horn or felt is placed on the hook, and then a crawl, a bunch of worms, etc.

The catfish bite is very sharp, which often leads to self-hatching. Sometimes it is first expressed in the weakening or tension of the line, but then frequent and strong jerks follow one after another. In all cases, a vigorous hook is used so that the hook penetrates deeper into the mouth, and fishing begins. Feeling pain and danger, the catfish often “lies down” - goes behind a driftwood, boulder, snag and does not move. However, it is worth placing a board or stick on the stretched line and knocking on it with a hard object, while simultaneously tugging on the stretched line, and the catfish will go into action. The catfish must be led persistently, pulling it to the shallows, where it can be stunned, stained under the bottom of its mouth, and pulled out away from the water. Medium and small catfish can be caught with a landing net. You need to be attentive and careful, do not allow the catfish to jerk on the extremely stretched tackle, and return the supply on time. Do not wrap the line around your hand, so as not to cut it to the bone; you should be careful not to get your foot into the loop of the line on the ground.

Fishing with a spinning rod can be especially successful on lakes in the pre-spawning period, but a slow retrieve of a large spoon or tackle with a large fish (150–250 g) is necessary. Fishing is also successful on a number of rivers that quickly clear of turbidity. However, the most successful catfishing occurs in the summer, with the beginning of the hot season, continuing until the beginning of the autumn coloring of the leaves. Captures are especially frequent on thunderstorm days and nights. The spoon should be driven at a slightly slower pace past individual clumps of algae, boulders, driftwood and snags, trying to ensure that it passes no further than 0.5 m from them. In daylight, the spoon should pass near the bottom, and in twilight - higher. You need to make at least a dozen runs past suitable shelters - the catfish doesn’t always take it on the first cast. A catfish bite feels like a hook, the hook should follow immediately. To equip a spinning rod, fishing line with a diameter of 0.5–0.6 mm is used. A leash is not used. The reel makes fighting fish very easy.

There are never many catfish, especially large ones, in any body of water. Therefore, they are caught after having previously determined their possible stopping places. I always start with an accurate scouting of the area where I intend to fish, sometimes several months before fishing. I spend two or three days near the reservoir without unwinding my gear. This is precisely the path to success. You can’t think that you just need to come to the shore and throw bait in order to catch the fish of your life during the day.

Catfish doesn't like light. Therefore, you should look for him in burrows and deep holes where he likes to hide. It only happens otherwise during high water after bad weather, when the water is cloudy and stormy - then this fish is active throughout the day. In addition, in the evening and in the morning you need to monitor the catfish “paths” along which it moves, leaving its shelter in search of food.

And this fish loves muddy or sandy-muddy bottom. A fallen tree at the bottom of the pond is another trump card, since it guarantees protection for the whole day. Also convenient places for catfish are caves under high banks, which are often located right under the fisherman’s feet.

If in this place there are also thickets of aquatic vegetation - a favorite hiding place for fish, a living environment and a source of food for all underwater fauna - and all this is also in a river with a slow, even flow, then even better. But such places are often impossible to fish from the shore - silt and an invasion of mosquitoes interfere.
Catfish can be found anywhere: in those areas where bream and barbel live, upstream in the habitats of the fish, and downstream even in fresh-salty waters at river mouths.
Let's look at some typical catfish places.

Small or medium river (Fig. 1)

1. The current creates pits behind the bridge supports. This is a place for very large fish, one or two per hole, no more. It is very difficult to fish, primarily because the caught fish has a bad habit of escaping under the bridge.

2. Pits at a distance of 50-100 m from the bridge, often very deep, but difficult to access due to piles brought by the flood of trees. This is a place where young and medium-sized catfish constantly live and grow.

3. If a reverse current appears behind the bridge, it slightly erodes the ground, and there you can stumble upon a medium-sized catfish right under the fishing rod.

4. The tributary flow washed out a small hole diagonally. An excellent place for evening fishing, catfish use this “path” to hunt in the tributary or near the shore.

5. This is a good place when the river carries dirty streams of flood water washing the coastal snags. You can fish right under the tip of the rod, sometimes even at a depth of less than 1.5 m. Strange, but above the island it is difficult to catch anything.

6. Somovy Boulevard! This is the deepest place in the river bed. If this depression abuts a high bank with trees overhanging or fallen into the water, then this is a real paradise for catfish. For a fisherman, on the contrary, this is a problem. This hole is almost impossible to fish. You need to fish from the opposite bank and be able to make accurate and long casts. Or you can cast bait from a boat and then quietly swim to the opposite shore. In such places, a boat is not an unnecessary luxury, but a necessary auxiliary tool. But in any case, you should not fish from a boat directly above the hole - you will scare away the fish.

7. Often this is a good stopping place for large fish, “the city of catfish.” Near thickets of aquatic plants there is a small hole in muddy soil 1 m wide, 2-3 m long, sometimes less than 1 m deep. The absence of signs of all living things is a good sign...

Big River (Fig. 2)

1. Pits at the junction of two rivers.

2. The place where a tributary, or junction, flows into a rocky ridge. This place is always rich in white fish and, of course, its predatory pursuers.

3. Dams to strengthen the shore. The current hits the dam and slowly turns around. This is a favorite refuge for bream, and catfish sit closer to the center of the backwater.

4. Edge of the fairway. Fish with a large spoon spoon or try to lure the catfish out with a dead fish.

5. Entering the boat dock. A fairly deep place, especially convenient for fishing in the evening.

6. The outer edge of thickets of aquatic plants.

Lakes and reservoirs (Fig. 3)

This is a favorite place for catfish; here they can swim almost unnoticed among large bodies of water. It will be difficult for a beginner to find his way at first, but there are many typical catfish spots here.

1. Where a large tributary flows into a reservoir, there is always a small hole in which catfish live, mostly of medium size.

2. There are small islands near the shore of the lake, separated from each other by deep holes. The edges of these holes need to be fished, because catfish swim there when they hunt for white fish between the islands in the evening.

3. Old river bed, you can fish there all day long.

4. Old trees or flooded houses (in a reservoir): a very good place, but dangerous for fishing gear!

5. Streams or small tributaries. A place where you can catch solid fish in the evening at a depth of only 50 cm.

6. Thickets of aquatic plants are a “kindergarten” for catfish; in these places there are a lot of young animals. Therefore, be so kind as to let them grow!

7. Floating islands of torn grass. Search carefully: catfish often use them as protection from the sun.

8. Pier. Catfish are the least likely to be found here, but they still sometimes hide under boats and piers.

9. Medium specimens are often found on muddy soil under a dam and on the edges of stone embankments. They do not have a permanent place, but search here for freshwater shells (barley, toothless).

This is just a brief description of the best habitats, but now you will understand why catching catfish is 50% observation and research.

How to find them? The best way is to use an echo sounder on board the boat. Even the simplest fish finder will serve you well when measuring depth. Of course, this can also be done by hand using a 4 mm thick cord, marked every 50 cm, and a 3 kg weight, with three fishermen on board, one of whom rows, the second measures, and the third records the depth difference and approximate points on the shore .

Also write down the direction, since catfish are afraid of light, don’t forget about it! You need to fish on your side of the hole if the sun is shining at your back - this place is darkest. Conversely, fish the opposite side of the hole if the sun is shining in your face. All this requires a lot of patience and diligence from the fisherman, but it results in you fishing in the right place at the right time.

River catfish or common catfish are the largest fish in our reservoirs. Lives only in deep holes. River catfish is the most amazing fish among freshwater fish.

River catfish (silurus glanis) is a freshwater fish from the catfish family. It lives in rivers (closer to the riverbed), but is found in ponds and lakes. In recent years, I have taken a fancy to the Cheboksary Reservoir. Lives in warm water, prefers pools and holes with flooded trees and snags, and avoids muddy bottoms. The following pattern has been noticed: the larger the catfish, the deeper the hole. The catfish pit has one exit towards the shallows, and the second towards the main channel. No more than two catfish live in such pits.

It goes hunting at dusk and dawn. In rare cases, it can hunt during the day. Fish are very sensitive to weather changes. At night, often during a strong thunderstorm, the catfish rises to the very surface. Why this happens, only he himself knows. This fish does not like changes in habitat and can live in its hole all its life. In late autumn, catfish gather in small schools of up to ten fish and move to wintering pits. They spend the winter with their heads buried in the mud and do not feed at all.

How many years can a river catfish live, and what size can it grow to?

There is no exact answer to these questions. Using data from L.P. Sabaneev, compiled a small tablet.

Fish weight in kilograms

Age of fish in years

I fully admit that somewhere in a deep hole there lives a catfish weighing more than 200 kilograms, but no one has seen it. On the middle Volga, fishermen most often catch catfish weighing from 10 to 40 kilograms. In isolated cases, specimens weighing up to 80 kilograms are found, but this is very rare. There is another reason that fish weighing 100 kilograms or more are almost impossible to catch. It is unlikely that one or two anglers will be able to pull out such a huge thing!

This is how average catfish unbend imported tees made of durable steel.

I think that stories about catfish feeding on passing dogs and drunken fishermen are an ordinary fairy tale.

This fish does not have fangs like a crocodile and does not chew its food! Large catfish suck the fish along with the water and immediately swallow it. On the middle Volga, catfish's zhoring begins in May and continues after the end of spawning in July, partly in August.

What does river catfish eat?

Catfish feed mainly on mollusks, tadpoles, and fish fry. Adult catfish prefer fish such as roach, rudd, ruff, silver bream, gudgeon. The diet is supplemented by lizards and mice that accidentally fall into the water; it likes frogs, bivalves, crayfish, and can also suck in unwary chicks of waterfowl. Large catfish, due to their slowness, do not chase nimble fish, but prefer, like a pike, to wait for prey in snags at the bottom, moving their whiskers. Apparently the fish mistakes such whiskers for worms, so it comes close to the predator.

River catfish: description

The catfish has a very large head, accounting for a quarter of the weight of the entire fish. The mouth is large. The mouth contains many small and sharp teeth. The eyes are disproportionately small, shifted to the back of the head. A long pair of whiskers grows on the upper lip, and two more pairs of small whiskers are located on the chin.

In the front part the body is rounded, and in the rear part it is strongly compressed from the sides and smoothly turns into the caudal fin. The short dorsal fin is located close to the head. The long anal fin is connected to the caudal fin. The impression is that the catfish has a large head that smoothly turns into a tail.

This fish has tender and fatty meat. Catfish are caught with bottom fishing rods, spinning rods, “quoks” or seines. The rules allow the use of nets with up to 10 hooks. In recent years, net fishing has become very popular. All summer, the channels between the islands are blocked by ropes with hooks.

The best baits are live baits and crawlers. Catfish accept frog and barley meat less readily.

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