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Simferopol - Evpatoria train and train schedules. We are traveling by train Evpatoria-Simferopol Information on train and electric train schedules Simferopol - Evpatoria

The schedules indicate

Evpatoria - Simferopol
train and train schedules

Information on the schedule of trains and electric trains Evpatoria - Simferopol:

The schedule of trains and electric trains Evpatoria - Simferopol currently includes 1 long-distance trains, electric trains (commuter trains, diesels) - 3. The first train departs from Evpatoria station in the morning at 05:20 and arrives at the final station at 07:15. The last train departs from Yevpatoria station at 17:45 and arrives at its destination in the evening. In accordance with the schedule, the average travel time from the departure point of Evpatoria to the arrival point of Simferopol is 1 hour 45 m: the fastest train travels 1 hour 41 m, the slowest train travels 1 hour 55 m.
Some trains from Yevpatoriya station to Simferopol station run on separate days (they have a special schedule).
Trains traveling on the route Evpatoria - Simferopol pass through such stations and settlements as: Pribrezhnaya, Amet Khan Sultana, Yarkaya, Ostryakovo.
Schedule of trains and trains along the route Evpatoria - Simferopol, shown here, is updated regularly and summer and winter timetables are always available.
You can buy tickets for the Evpatoria - Simferopol train at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and for the train - only at the ticket office of the station.

The schedules indicate

Simferopol - Evpatoria
train and train schedules

Information on the schedule of trains and electric trains Simferopol - Evpatoria:

The schedule of trains and electric trains Simferopol - Evpatoria currently includes 1 long-distance trains, electric trains (commuter trains, diesel engines) - 3. The first train departs from Simferopol station in the morning at 05:50 am and arrives at the final station at 07:29 am. The last train departs from Simferopol station at 18:40 and arrives at its destination in the evening. In accordance with the schedule, the average travel time from the departure point Simferopol to the arrival point Evpatoria is 1 hour 44 m: the fastest train travels 1 hour 39 m, the slowest train travels 1 hour 55 m.
Some trains from Simferopol station to Yevpatoriya station run on separate days (they have a special schedule).
Trains following the route Simferopol - Evpatoria pass through such stations and settlements as: 1457 Km Stopping Point, Storozhevoye (Rzd.), 29 Km Razezd, Technical School.
Schedule of trains and trains along the route Simferopol - Evpatoria, shown here, is updated regularly and summer and winter timetables are always available.
You can buy tickets for the Simferopol - Yevpatoria train at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and for the train - only at the ticket office of the station.

Currently, the schedule of trains and electric trains between the settlements of Evpatoria-Kurort - Simferopol-Pass. included 3 electric trains or electric trains and also 2 long-distance trains.

The first train No. 524A leaves at 4:00 am. and arrives in Simferopol-Pass. about 5 hours 55 minutes. (the journey takes 1 hour 55 minutes). The first train, number 6672/6671, leaves from Evpatoria-Kurort station at 5:40 am. and arrives in 1 hour 44 minutes to its destination - Simferopol-Pass. at 7:24 a.m. .

The last passenger train number 524A leaves the Yevpatoria-Kurort station at 5:20 am. and after 1 hour 55 minutes he arrives at the platform of the Simferopol-Pass station. – at 7:15 a.m. . The last electric train No. 6684/6683 is on the way for 1 hour 41 minutes. Departing from Evpatoria-Kurort station at 17:45. and arriving in Simferopol-Pass. at 19 hours 26 minutes. .

Please note that in the online timetable for trains and trains Evpatoria-Resort - Simferopol-Pass. There may be flights that operate on certain days of the week. When planning a trip, look at the schedule for the desired date in advance. Data on the Russian Railways schedule on our website is constantly updated, thanks to which our visitors receive up-to-date information. If you have any questions about the route Evpatoria-Resort - Simferopol-Pass. Russian Railways - you can contact the nearest railway ticket office, where railway station employees will help and advise you. On the spot you can also immediately purchase a ticket in the desired direction.

Current schedule of trains and electric trains Evpatoria-Kurort - Simferopol-Pass. for 2019 it contains 1 long-distance trains and 3 electric trains. All current changes are promptly added to the schedule, so it remains relevant every day.

The first train from Yevpatoriya-Kurort station leaves on 05/07/2019 at 05:20. The last train from Yevpatoria-Kurort station to Simferopol-Pass station. leaves 05/07/2019 at 05:20 and arrives in Simferopol-Pass. 05/07/2019 at 07:15. The first train arrives at Simferopol-Pass. 05/07/2019 at 07:15, and the last one - 05/07/2019 at 07:15 local time.

The minimum time for which the train travels the distance between stations is 1 hour 55 m, and the maximum time is 1 hour 55 m. On average, the train spends 1 hour 55 m on the way.

Buy railway tickets for the train Evpatoriya-Kurort - Simferopol-Pass. You can online on this site. To order, in the line with the selected train, click the “Buy” button. Tickets are issued in full compliance with the Russian Railways Rules, the cost is without extra charge. If necessary, you can issue a ticket refund at the ticket office at the railway station.

The first train from Evpatoria-Kurort station leaves on 05/07/2019 at 05:40. To the stop point Simferopol-Pass. she arrives on 05/07/2019 at 07:24. The latest commuter train from Evpatoria-Kurort to Simferopol-Pass. goes on 05/07/2019 at 17:45 and arrives in Simferopol-Pass. 05/07/2019 at 19:26 local time.

The minimum time for which the train covers the distance between the stations Evpatoria-Kurort - Simferopol-Pass. 1 hour 41 m, and the maximum is 1 hour 55 m. On average, on this route, a commuter train spends 1 hour 48 m on the way.

Tickets for trains are sold at the ticket office of the Evpatoria-Kurort station. Ticket sales begin 2 hours before departure.

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